
Empowering sports organisations to embrace sustainability through curated tools and insights.

Education & Communications

Nature protection

Nature restoration


Sports for Nature Summary of 2023 Signatory Reports

Sports for Nature Summary of 2023 Signatory Reports

Education & Communications

Nature protection

Nature restoration


Nature protection

Nature restoration

From fields to forests: Sports’ Role in Biodiversity Protection

From fields to forests: Sports’ Role in Biodiversity Protection

Nature protection

Nature restoration

Education & Communications

Nature protection

Nature restoration


Sports for Nature Framework

Sports for Nature Framework

The Sports for Nature Framework was created to tap into sports’ enormous potential to take on ambitious goals and drive positive change. The Framework aims to deliver transformative, nature positive action across sports by 2030 and beyond, enabling sports to champion nature and contribute to its protection and restoration.

Education & Communications

Nature protection

Nature restoration


Nature protection

Nature restoration

Sports for Nature: Setting a baseline

Sports for Nature: Setting a baseline

Developed by the UN Environment Programme with the support of the International Olympic Committee, along with Loughborough University and GRID Arendal, the handbook investigates and highlights the urgency, dependency and impact of sport on nature, demonstrating the opportunities already underway – with guidance and case studies to inspire and innovate.

Nature protection

Nature restoration

Nature protection

Nature restoration


Sports and urban biodiversity

Sports and urban biodiversity

Investing in nature and nature-based solutions is an important pathway to address the current ecological crisis. The loss of biodiversity, with around one million animal and plant species threatened with extinction, is putting at risk our economies, livelihoods, food security, health, and quality of life worldwide. Diverse and innovative measures are needed to reverse this decline and to restore healthy ecosystems.

Nature protection

Nature restoration


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