Discover how sports are leading the charge for a greener future with Sports for Nature. Explore our mission and join us in making a difference.

Discover how sports are leading the charge for a greener future with Sports for Nature. Explore our mission and join us in making a difference.


Global sports: protecting nature

Urgent action is needed by all of society, including the sports community, to halt and reverse the loss of biodiversity and the damage to the natural world on which we all depend to sustain our health and well-being, and provide clean air, fresh water and food. By protecting and restoring nature, sports organisations can play a vital role in climate mitigation and adaptation both in the outdoor and indoor environments where they play and through their enormous influence with the wider public.

Sports for Nature is a joint initiative of the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN), International Olympic Committee (IOC), United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), the Secretariat of the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) and Dona Bertarelli Philanthropy.

It aims to deliver transformative action for nature across sports, by 2030 and beyond, enabling sports to champion nature and contribute to its protection and restoration. It provides a game plan for sports — at all levels — to accelerate and inspire others to take action for nature.

Our partners

Partner Organisations

Institutional partners


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Our pillars

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S4N framework

Our framework empowers sports organizations to minimize their impact and inspire a culture of sustainability.

The Chair of the IUCN World Commission on Environmental Law, Prof Christina Voigt, in front of the International Court of Justice in The Hague.

Resources hub

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News & Events

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Sports for Nature Signatories

Meet our Advisory Group of renowned sustainability experts and sports industry leaders. Their combined knowledge and dedication drive our initiatives forward, creating a greener future for sports.
